The Monday Mindset
Last Monday in the video, you heard about Viktor Frankl. He discovered “the last human freedom,” which he defines as “the power to choose your own response to any condition—to anything that happens to you.” Think about potential obstacles in your day or week ahead.
How can choosing your response to these obstacles influence your mindset and productivity? How can you keep this “last human freedom” at the front of your mind throughout the week?
HR Training Tuesday
Im-prove-ment / im’prōōvmənt/
“The process of a thing moving from one state to a state considered to be better, usually through some action intended to bring about the better state.”
At our company, we strive for continuous improvement for all. To continually improve, HR provides trainings for all employees! Today, we will be checking out a new training. Set aside some time today and let’s grow together!
Utilize 360Learning
Simply click the link to bring up the path, log in, and click Enroll to get started. Don’t have an account on 360Learning yet? Today’s training is on our new CPAP drop ship process!
Disclaimer: Not every team may be able to access today’s training, but we encourage you to explore and complete a training that piques your interest.
Professional/Self Development
Author Gretchen Rubin poses a “Know Yourself Better” question: What kind of Procrastinator are you?
- Procrasti-clearing or procrasti-cleaning
- Procrasti-creating — “Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.”
- Procrasti-viewing
- Procrasti-scrolling — and the related procrasti-shopping
- Procrasti-waiting — wait for someone else to encourage you or invite you to go ahead, such as a mentor or advocate
- Procrasti-gaming
- Procrasti-claiming — making questionable claims about the rules that apply or limitations that exist: “I can’t work at night,” “I’ll do better if I begin in the new year”
- Procrasti-snacking
- Procrasti-caffeinating — can’t start without a beverage
- Procrasti-researching
- Procrastic-caring — putting off your own task because you’re caring for someone else’s wants first.
Rubin says, “As with any know-yourself-better question, clarity brings insight. Once we know the kinds of procrastination we tend to use, we can more easily spot unhelpful patterns.” Discuss with your teams: Which type(s) of procrastination do you engage in? How can you guard against it? How can this knowledge help you at work?
Team-Building Thursday: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sometimes, at work, it can feel like everything that could go wrong does go wrong. But how we handle these “unfortunate events” defines our success as a team. Today, let’s dive into the idea of turning setbacks into stepping stones. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve how we approach our work.
- Each team member shares a time they experienced a “series of unfortunate events” at work—a day or project where everything seemed to go wrong.
- Keep it lighthearted but focus on the lessons learned.
- What’s one thing you could do differently to prevent the situation from escalating?
- How can we, as a team, better support each other when someone faces a challenging day or situation?
- What tools or resources could help us be more proactive instead of reactive?
Fun Friday
Valentine’s Day is one week away, and we’re bringing a fun twist to Bingo! This isn’t your ordinary Bingo game – you’ll need to interact with your colleagues to find someone who matches each square.
The squares contain various Valentine-related traits or activities. To mark off a square, you must find a coworker who fits the description. Have them sign their name in the square that applies to them. Each person can only sign your card once! Can you score a bingo?