The Monday Mindset
Remember that Habit 1 is to Be Proactive. One way to do that is to increase your proactive responses and decrease your reactive responses.
When you’re reactive, you allow outside influences to control your response. When you’re proactive, you pause to allow yourself the freedom to choose your response based on principles and desired results. Take a couple of minutes to answer the questions on the worksheet. Discuss with your team how responding proactively can help you at work? How can it help your team?
Customer Connection: Build Rapport
One of the best ways to exceed customer expectations is to take the time to build rapport.
Whether you’re in the stores, on the phones, or working with colleagues, the principles of building rapport still apply. Read through these tips to build rapport.
- Introduce yourself
- Address the customer by their name
- Show empathy for their situation
- Listen and repeat (You feel _____ about ____.)
- Be honest
Which of these five practices do you do well? Which ones should you work on? How does each of these items help us exceed customer expectations?
Real Customer Call
Today, we’ll be listening to a new real customer call! Voices, names, locations, and all sensitive information have been altered in the call. You’ll have a chance to either listen to or read a real customer question and then engage in a discussion with your team, where you’ll explore how best to respond to the call.
Below are key areas where the employee could have improved their handling of the call to provide a better customer experience.
- Tone: The employee was short and monotone. A friendlier, more empathetic tone would improve the experience.
- Engagement: Responding more fully to questions would show the employee was listening and trying to help.
- Clarity: Offering more details on pricing or next steps would guide the customer better.
- Empathy: Acknowledging the customer’s situation with empathy would show more care.
- Closing: Ending with a more positive or helpful statement would leave a better impression.
Watch the Video
Click the video player below to watch today’s video. For the best viewing experience, be sure to switch to fullscreen mode.
Team Building Thursday: Connected
Did you know that one of the greatest human needs is connection and belonging? Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued. Today we’re going to discuss what makes us feel valued. What is your “praise language”?
Of the following methods of receiving praise, which do you prefer?
- Having your achievements acknowledged publicly (in team meetings, company newsletter, etc.)
- Receiving a written card or note
- Receiving a token of appreciation like a trophy, gift, or prize
- Receiving a treat or meal of some kind
No matter what your coworkers prefer, remember to keep your praise specific, timely, and sincere.
Fun Friday: Happy Valentine’s Day!
Let’s spread the love today! Use this printable for heart cut outs.
Pick a coworker whose door or desk you can “heart attack.” Bonus: Use pink or red paper to take the festivity up a notch.